Rely on MediaTranslation for your translation projects!
English - Spanish - French
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MediaTranslation, your Trusted Partner
In an era of advanced communication technologies connecting every part of the world and increasingly frequent international exchanges at all levels, translation is more than ever an essential step not to neglect. Translating a text to convey a fluent and clear message requires good linguistic, cultural and social knowledge, but also great qualities of acuity, rigour and brainwork. Nowadays, such know-how is reinforced by numerous advanced translation support tools. A quality translation helps to avoid many misunderstandings and miscommunication with potentially disastrous consequences, strengthen commercial and association relations, or facilitate various administrative procedures, among others.
MediaTranslation offers services satisfying the request of each customer – individuals, companies or public entities – with the utmost respect for deadlines and requirements. MediaTranslation focuses on human relationship, and only one person is responsible for your project, ensuring full consistency throughout the text.
Avoid potentially harmful situations for your business and make life easier by entrusting your translation projects to MediaTranslation. Contact us to find out what are your options or request a quote. We will dedicate time to discuss with you and review your project. The guarantee of a reliable and quality result.
MediaTranslation offers the following services
Supported Media and Formats
Tailor-made rates
The price of a translation depends on many factors such as volume, technical complexity, format, or deadlines. Unfortunately, these factors are difficult to quantify, it is therefore recommended to provide as much detail as possible about your project via the Contact Form. You will then receive a detailed quote corresponding to your project and your needs.

About MediaTranslation

License in Translation (English-Spanish combination)
Sworn Translator (Court of First Instance of Nivelles – VTI No. 60076.33)
Member of the Belgian Chamber of Translators and Interpreters (CBTI) Professional Member
UPTIA Member (No. 819828)